A day in the life of Tim Leman

5:05 A.M.

Make protein shake for breakfast and pop some ibuprofen. I'm sore from playing pick-up basketball at church last night.


5:10 A.M.

Review LinkedIn and Twitter. Use HootSuite to schedule a week's worth of daily tweets and LinkedIn posts tying into my Friday morning executive blog.


7:53 AND 8:07 AM.

Been at work for an hour. Two "stop ins" by employees. They notice my bright red face from time on the lake over the weekend. Back to work on emails.


9:00 A.M.

Attend a scheduled meeting with one of my senior partners. He's one of our advisers and we're working together on changes to our producer compensation plan for 2014.


10:30 A.M.

Phone interview with a media contact on what we're doing with wellness. Discuss how wellness and population health management has migrated from just health care claims reduction to productivity improvement, morale booster and being viewed as a true benefit. We also discuss the opportunity related to workers' compensation.


11:40 A.M.

Stop by CFO's office to sign a few things and discuss what I sent him for our board meeting. Then out the door for a Boys & Girls Club board meeting at noon.


12:00 P.M.

Discuss final stats from annual club event over lunch. Discretely answer a few emails using one hand and holding the device under the table.


1:30 P.M.

Back to the office for a weekly executive leadership meeting. We meet with the manager of our P&C claims consulting unit and also cover the numbers for our firm for the week, talk about new producer training, upcoming board and stockholder meetings and how we're each doing with our handful of major company level goals for the year.


3:30 P.M.

Prep meeting with one of my team members for client pre-renewal meeting in three days. Review actuarial projections for the Jan. 1 renewal and determine how to incorporate the cost of an on-site clinic into it.


4:20 P.M.

Stop by the boardroom and say hello to voluntary benefits carrier rep who is hosting a meeting for our team on new product offerings. Final round of email and check tomorrow's schedule.


5:30 P.M.

At home and I hit my paddle board for a little exercise on the lake.


7:10 P.M.

Eat dinner with the family and catch up on our days. Get scolded for checking email during dinner.


8:45 P.M.

Playing Minecraft with my two boys on our iPads. Not really sure what I'm doing, but apparently one is "protecting" me from the other. I think this is like how Legos were to my generation.


10:23 P.M.

Lights out and in bed.

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